Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Embrace the touch of strength...

[Do listen to the music for an added swing with the post =)]

A stretch.
A powerful turn.
A clear cut sweep of the waves of its hair.
A jump into the air.
As it lift you to the highest point.

What do you know?
And what have you realised?
You swirl but have not noticed,
The unleashing of passion
And the inborne strength and build it possess.

Its dance is so powerful and smooth
But how long have you stayed to appreciate
As it faint away with every passing moment

It wasn't meant to end with a soft touch
Tonight, just tonight
Let it stop with a "Bang" and then silence......

Just to let its sensation linger in you
and ONLY you
It is to stay
At that corner of your memory where you know

A corner
Where your emotion will always be stirred.

ALASsssss, embrace its touch now or never!
For its strength today will no longer prevail tomorrow.

P.S: Hope this combination of dance and wine will help bring some added appreciation.
The above pictures used are extracted from Yahoo Images with the sources linked to the pictures.
Lastly, enjoy the festive season as we welcome the coming year with a toast! *cheers*